Authentically designed set of some stowage parts and personal gear as well as upgrade parts for
Tamiya Churchill Mk.VII Crocodile (No.32594). Included is at first a new driver front plate with separate
vision port plug for the driver, which was most often during combat. For the turret are included new separate
hatch lids for loader hatch to show these in open position, Additionally included is a new gun shield and
a turned 75mm Aluminium gun barrel, with included PE parts the rain covers over the side air-intakes
can be made. In future we will add sometimes such PE frets for very specific vehicle parts to our products.
For the Church Crocofile are included some stowage parts as canvas rolls and bundles in British Army manner,
additional boxes and fuel cans, also a big assortment of spare track link sections as can be seen on late
Churchills. To show the removed center sections of the track guards, two straight sections of tracks are
included. This can be seen sometimes on Churchill tanks to avoid jammed turrets from damaged and
deformed track guards, but the Tamiya kit has unfortunately no upper tracks under the track guards.
Attention: The turret roof as can be seen on the pictures is not a part of MR-35061. The original turret roof plate of the Tamiya kit must be used, there is no need for a replacement by a resin part.
Not suitable for children under the age of 14