Wooden planks for Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. F and F/8
On the Eastern Front in 1943, vehicles from the Sturmgeschütz Abt.202 were equipped with wooden guard rails that were screwed to the sides of the lower hull
using the simplest brackets welded to the sides of the hull. The attachment of these wooden planks was different; the side guard rails
varied in size, shape and position, and were mounted slightly offset on the left and right. Apparently the simplest construction,
in which the guard rails were attached to two attachment points on the left and right, proved to be the most practical.
After a short period of use, the edges of the planks were heavily worn; in some cases, steel chain aprons were later
installed over the guard rails. In operational photos, these wooden guard rails can definitely be seen on the Sturmgeschütz III
Ausf. F, but are also said to have been used on the Stumgeschütz III Ausf. F/8. Our kit includes other vehicle parts that were
often used to reinforce the armor, such as four fan covers, two additional castors in a dismantled state without bearings or
hub covers and segments of replacement chain links. The components of the MR-35669 set are tailored to the Blitz by
Takom kits of the Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. F and should fit all corresponding assault gun kits of today's standards, although
minor adjustment work may be necessary for very old kits.
Not suitable for children under the age of 14